Thursday 21 September 2017


The Secret!!!

Recently, my aunt celebrated her 50th birthday and believe me when I say this; She looked effortlessly chic and classy. I couldn’t take my eye off her skin which so soft, smooth, and glowing. Every time I go visiting, I always ask the same question WHAT IS THE SECRET? But this day after seeing her in all her glory at the party, I took out time to really know how she was constantly able to look under 30.

After all the activities had ended, she called me aside and began: Jcee, first of all the problem with most people is that they don’t understand that just as we need to improve our intellectual skills through studying or by experience so also do we need to improve on our body. 
The saying “garbage in garbage out” also applies to our body she continued. The work out you do or dont do will show up in the future,so also the food you eat.  For starters, can you give me a list of all you have eaten in the past two days and you will see for yourself that not all are healthy for you.

I am sure there is nothing wrong with eating what you want to eat but do you know you can still eat all those things with more of vegetable, I love cakes but before I eat such I will first have my tummy filled up with vegetable and fruits so there is little or no space for cake. That sounds crazy right?
But this is not something I do off and on, it is my lifestyle, and I didn’t just start yesterday; right from when I was in my twenties I stuck to it. So this body, this skin you see is a thought process, it is a deliberate act, it did not just happen. When I eat I think about how I want my body to be in the next 10yrs and as we both know, everything has a repercussion just that some consequences are better than the others.

Secondly I take a lot of water to make sure my body stays hydrated all the time. Thirdly, I do not play with my time in the gym, Remember I don’t go to the gym to lose weight I go to the gym to stay fit and healthy. Losing weight comes naturally with working out.

Lastly, learn to nibble on fruits and veggies. I could recommend a whole list of them for you but you just start with my favorite veggie of all time: the cucumber; it may look so small but it has health and vitality stored inside it. Not only does it boost immunity due to its Vitamins A, B and C content, it is also popular in spas to protect your skin from ageing. It helps you stay hydrated because 95% of its content is water. Also for those seeking to lose weight and enjoy fresh breath, cucumber is a solution.
 Remember my dear; eat healthy to stay healthy and you would enjoy the benefits in the long run.

There will be more on healthy living by my aunt herself ...Matilda

#healthylivingisnotatrendbutalifestyle, #eatvegetables, #eatfruits

Tags: healthy living, cucumber, vegetable, fruits, lifestyle, exercise, daily living, the secret, weight matters, stay fit.  

Sunday 10 September 2017


You all remember my friend jenny that was relieved of her job...of course you remember her,   you can also read up about her at . Here is a new chapter in that story. She got a similar job in another company but two years down the line she quit the job, well i was really surprised majorly because she felt like she hit rock bottom after she was fired and very excited when she got this new one. So i called her and we met up for lunch.

In a few minutes, we were comfortably seated in the café and waiting for refreshment. Shortly after the usual greeting she began: I never really explained to anybody why i quit my job and lifted myself out of the world of mediocrity but i will like to share it with you.

“You know how i spent 5years of my life working for that company”, she began; “I gave them my best only for them to cut me off, after awhile...You also know i got another job. I felt i was just existing, just another person working a regular 9 to 5, although  making a decent living by average standards but i was stagnant...and that’s how the discontent started”.

“On one particular day when i was in Abuja for an official assignment, i got back to my hotel room after the day’s meeting and was disgusted with myself. Why, i asked myself, Why am i a middle-class failure? I have been in a job that we do the same thing over and over again, is like i am just stagnant.”
“Jcee...she continued, I don’t know what prompted me, maybe it’s the book i was reading at the moment “The Magic of Thinking Big, but i took a sheet of paper and wrote down the names of people i have known for a long time and have surpassed me in earnings and in career. Again, I asked myself what do these people have, that i don’t besides more money and i honestly think i am better than them in education, integrity, and personal habit. It was then it dawned on me that what i lacked that they have  was initiative.”

I was seeing my weak point for the first time. My lack of initiative was because i didn’t believe in my worth, I did not believe that i am capable of doing much more than this so i decided to take charge of my life and be the boss. I decided to get a journal and started taking notes of everything i do in the office and what i remembered in the previous workplace. I decided to research and take online courses to become better and from that day, I started working on and for myself even though i was still working in that office.

It has been two years since then and i know now that i am equipped and ready to have my own consultancy firm that’s why i decided to quit and concentrate fully on my own project.She concluded by saying Jcee success isn’t the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, then you will be successful. Working hard for something you don’t care about is called stress, but working hard for what you love is called passion.

Fast-forward to present day, Jenny's consultancy firm is doing so well that she is even consulting for the two companies she worked for. Success is a deliberate act, you just don’t stumble into success and plan to succeed. Some people quit their jobs for whatever reason without a plan. But Jenny had a structure and plan on what she wanted to achieve and that was her secret to success.So don’t quit just yet. Instead, setup systems that would help you transmit in order to easily move on to better things.

#striveforsuccess #pushpastmediocrity #don’tgivepupyet #work #dailyliving #dailytips #beinspired #smallbeginnings #selfworth #goalsetting #goals #success #vprinciplesforsuccess #experience

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